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I HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR A WHILE AND IM VEGAN AND THESE SNACKS ARE GREAT!!!!:) If you want you can contact me if you need help with a vegan diet

snacks that are vegan and super easy to make! let me know if you try them and give me a thumbs up.
sorry this was up a day late!! had some troubles with final cut :)

I do 400 degrees F and for 8 minutes if you want them pretty crispy
How long and what temperature do you put the kale chips in for?
Awesome snack ideas! I'm vegan but haven't tried the apples and lime or the popsicles-yum! :)
Those look amazing and so yummy!! I never get tired of seeing your baby brother he is sooo cute!!!
Literally watched this while eating chips XD oops
Im vegan :) i'll have to use some of these ideas
I love your shirt were can i find it

snack mix,kind snacks,carb free snacks,snack bars,baby snacks,vending machine,vending machines,healthy vending machines,sahale snacks,seaweed snacks,diabetic recipes,peeled snacks

Im currently doing the bikini series and im loving it, i have seen so many results and this summer i will be confident thanks to you two! I just want u guys to know the difference u have made in my life and the lives of others, thanks for everything

You two ladies are so gorgeous and I love the friendship you have <3 I wish we could have seen zoomed-in shots of the snacks.. but thanks for sharing all these on-the-go snack options! I'm gonna try finding some of them

Did you girls smoke a J before this video? I love it! Also, what the hell is quark? I feel like I saw it on Chopped once and it stmped 3/4 chefs.

One of my favorite snacks is carrots dipped in humus, it gives you the same feelings as if you were to eat (unhealthy) chips and dips, and it's so much healthier especially if you make your own humus , yum! :)

I love snacking on the Target brand Simply Balanced freeze dried strawberries and mangos!! They have no added ingredients & are a little sour so they fix my sour patch kid craving 🙊

You've seen Annie's before because they make the BEST boxed mac and cheese- shells and white cheddar. I'm a big fan of veggies and hummus at the beach, salad with avocado and fruit, lots of different healthy drinks, and of course, MORE FRUIT. Especially frozen grapes! Insta handle- tiu_sarah4373

I'm OBSESSED right now with roasting my own chickpeas and blackbeans.  I play with the spices 
from chilli powder to old bay to ranch seasoning.  They make a great snack and are soooooo yummy out of the oven!

snack mix,kind snacks,carb free snacks,snack bars,baby snacks,vending machine,vending machines,healthy vending machines,sahale snacks,seaweed snacks,diabetic recipes,peeled snacks

Ciao ragazze mie dolci! Oggi mi sono cimentata in un video molto diverso dai miei soliti in cui vi mostro gli snacks salutari che adoro mangiare in questo periodo primaverile :) Se vi piace, pollici in su!

Woooow! Devo fare assolutamente le barrette di yogurt! . io non mangio le fragole ma metto il mustli ( si scriverà così? Haha ) va bene lo stesso secondo te???

Sei stata bravissima ad editare questo video !!!! Si vede che ti sei impeganata tanto e questo mi fa davvero piacere !!!! POLLICE IN SU ASSUCURATO !!!!

Che bel video! Il montaggio è venuto molto carino e devo assolutamente provare a fare le barrette allo yogurt :) Se a qualcuna interessa ho aperto da pochissimo un canale YouTube che non è ancora chissà cosa ma mi ci sto impegnando molto, vi aspetto :) Baci!
snack mix,kind snacks,carb free snacks,snack bars,baby snacks,vending machine,vending machines,healthy vending machines,sahale snacks,seaweed snacks,diabetic recipes,peeled snacks

Absolutely loved this, so helpful! I'm a real snacker but find that with M.E it's quite difficult as you often need foods that don't require any energy to be spent on preparation/cooking etc, definitely going to try out lots of these so I don't have to worry about eating unhealthy snacks - especially those Nakd bites and the truffle balls ♥ share the love, CR! Looking gorgeous as always too, your eyes are the prettiest!

The Nakd bites are so good. I normally get so frustrated with health snacks because they either taste horrid but you can eat a lot of them, or they taste so good that you end up eating WAY too much and overdosing. These are the best in-between ever.

Any tips on high protein snacks for those allergic to pretty much everything (all nuts, peas, beans, lentils and fish) really struggle with anything other than crudités or fruit!! Haha

snack mix,kind snacks,carb free snacks,snack bars,baby snacks,vending machine,vending machines,healthy vending machines,sahale snacks,seaweed snacks,diabetic recipes,peeled snacks