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Absolutely loved this, so helpful! I'm a real snacker but find that with M.E it's quite difficult as you often need foods that don't require any energy to be spent on preparation/cooking etc, definitely going to try out lots of these so I don't have to worry about eating unhealthy snacks - especially those Nakd bites and the truffle balls ♥ share the love, CR! Looking gorgeous as always too, your eyes are the prettiest!

The Nakd bites are so good. I normally get so frustrated with health snacks because they either taste horrid but you can eat a lot of them, or they taste so good that you end up eating WAY too much and overdosing. These are the best in-between ever.

Any tips on high protein snacks for those allergic to pretty much everything (all nuts, peas, beans, lentils and fish) really struggle with anything other than crudités or fruit!! Haha

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