[Healthy} - Simple Vegan Snacks for Summer!

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I HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR A WHILE AND IM VEGAN AND THESE SNACKS ARE GREAT!!!!:) If you want you can contact me if you need help with a vegan diet

snacks that are vegan and super easy to make! let me know if you try them and give me a thumbs up.
sorry this was up a day late!! had some troubles with final cut :)

I do 400 degrees F and for 8 minutes if you want them pretty crispy
How long and what temperature do you put the kale chips in for?
Awesome snack ideas! I'm vegan but haven't tried the apples and lime or the popsicles-yum! :)
Those look amazing and so yummy!! I never get tired of seeing your baby brother he is sooo cute!!!
Literally watched this while eating chips XD oops
Im vegan :) i'll have to use some of these ideas
I love your shirt were can i find it

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